2025/02/15  05:17  Departure
12:19 - 13:33
Number of transfers: 2
  1.  > 
  2. train
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. train
  7.  > 
12:31 - 13:49
Number of transfers: 2
  1.  > 
  2. train
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. train
  7.  > 
12:43 - 14:05
Number of transfers: 2
  1.  > 
  2. train
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. train
  7.  > 
  1. 1
    12:19 - 13:33
    Number of transfers: 2
    1.  > 
    2. train
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. train
    7.  > 
    12:19 Hollywood/Highland
    B Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Union(Los Angeles) 
    12:36 12:42 7th Street/Metro Center
    A Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Downtown Long Beach 
    13:07 13:13 Willowbrook/Rosa Parks
    C Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Redondo Beach 
    13:33 Douglas
  2. 2
    12:31 - 13:49
    Number of transfers: 2
    1.  > 
    2. train
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. train
    7.  > 
    12:31 Hollywood/Highland
    B Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Union(Los Angeles) 
    12:48 12:56 7th Street/Metro Center
    A Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Downtown Long Beach 
    13:21 13:29 Willowbrook/Rosa Parks
    C Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Redondo Beach 
    13:49 Douglas
  3. 3
    12:43 - 14:05
    Number of transfers: 2
    1.  > 
    2. train
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. train
    7.  > 
    12:43 Hollywood/Highland
    B Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Union(Los Angeles) 
    13:00 13:10 7th Street/Metro Center
    A Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Downtown Long Beach 
    13:35 13:45 Willowbrook/Rosa Parks
    C Line [LA Metro]
    Bound for Redondo Beach 
    14:05 Douglas