03:48 - 04:30
Number of transfers: 0
  1.  > 
  2. walk
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. walk
  7.  > 
03:48 - 04:35
Number of transfers: 1
  1.  > 
  2. walk
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. walk
  7.  > 
  8. bus
  9.  > 
03:48 - 04:39
Number of transfers: 0
  1.  > 
  2. walk
  3.  > 
  4. bus
  5.  > 
  6. walk
  7.  > 
03:48 - 04:39
Number of transfers: 1
  1.  > 
  2. walk
  3.  > 
  4. train
  5.  > 
  6. walk
  7.  > 
  8. bus
  9.  > 

For routes with sections where a fare cannot be found, the total charge, including those sections'' fares, will not be displayed.
  1. 1
    03:48 - 04:30
    Number of transfers: 0
    1.  > 
    2. walk
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. walk
    7.  > 
    03:48 左營(高鐵) Zuoying(HSR)
    Walk( 5min
    03:53 03:57 [R16]左營(高雄捷運) [R16]Zuoying(MRT)
    Red Line
    Bound for [R3]小港(小港醫院) [R3]Siaogang(Hsiaokang Hospital)
    04:16 04:16 [R8]三多商圈 [R8]Sanduo Shopping District
    Walk( 14min
    04:30 三多復興路口 Sanduo Fusing Rd. Intersection
  2. 2
    03:48 - 04:35
    Number of transfers: 1
    1.  > 
    2. walk
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. walk
    7.  > 
    8. bus
    9.  > 
    03:48 左營(高鐵) Zuoying(HSR)
    Walk( 5min
    03:53 03:57 [R16]左營(高雄捷運) [R16]Zuoying(MRT)
    Red Line
    Bound for [R3]小港(小港醫院) [R3]Siaogang(Hsiaokang Hospital)
    04:16 04:16 [R8]三多商圈 [R8]Sanduo Shopping District
    Walk( 6min
    04:22 04:32 新光三越(捷運三多商圈站) Shin Kong Mitsukoshi(MRT Sandou Shopping District Station)
    高雄市公車 100 Kaohsiung 100
    Bound for 瑞豐站(瑞隆路) Rueifong Station(Rueilong Rd.)
    04:35 三多復興路口 Sanduo Fusing Rd. Intersection
  3. 3
    03:48 - 04:39
    Number of transfers: 0
    1.  > 
    2. walk
    3.  > 
    4. bus
    5.  > 
    6. walk
    7.  > 
    03:48 左營(高鐵) Zuoying(HSR)
    Walk( 6min
    03:54 04:04 高鐵左營站 HSR Zuoying Station
    高雄市公車 90民族幹線 Kaohsiung 90 Minzu Main Line
    Bound for 新光三越(捷運三多商圈站) Shin Kong Mitsukoshi(MRT Sandou Shopping District Station)
    04:34 04:34 市政大樓(四維三路) Kaohsiung City Hall(Sihwei 3rd Rd.)
    Walk( 5min
    04:39 三多復興路口 Sanduo Fusing Rd. Intersection
  4. 4
    03:48 - 04:39
    Number of transfers: 1
    1.  > 
    2. walk
    3.  > 
    4. train
    5.  > 
    6. walk
    7.  > 
    8. bus
    9.  > 
    03:48 左營(高鐵) Zuoying(HSR)
    Walk( 5min
    03:53 03:57 [R16]左營(高雄捷運) [R16]Zuoying(MRT)
    Red Line
    Bound for [R3]小港(小港醫院) [R3]Siaogang(Hsiaokang Hospital)
    04:14 04:14 [R9]中央公園 [R9]Central Park
    Walk( 3min
    04:17 04:27 捷運中央公園站 MRT Central Park Station
    高雄市公車 100 Kaohsiung 100
    Bound for 瑞豐站(瑞隆路) Rueifong Station(Rueilong Rd.)
    04:39 三多復興路口 Sanduo Fusing Rd. Intersection

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