JI Hotel (Zhengzhou East Railway Station Provincial Government Branch)

JI Hotel (Zhengzhou East Railway Station Provincial Government Branch) Réserver / Itinéraire
50 meters north of the intersection of Zhengguang Road and Minsheng West Street, Zhengdong New District ,Henan
stations les plus proches
À propos de 4 minutes de 黄河南路 à pied

stations les plus proches

hôtels les plus proches

  1. _
    JI Hotel (Zhengzhou East Railway Station Provincial Government Branch)
    50 meters north of the intersection of Zhengguang Road and Minsheng West Street, Zhengdong New District ,Henan
  2. _
    Venas Boutique Hotel (Zhengzhou East Railway Station International Exhibition Center)
    No.8 Huanghe South Road Huanghe South Road xiongerhe Road intersection
  3. _
    Chenxi Hotel (East High-speed Railway Station CBD Convention and Exhibition Center)
    No.16-No.1 Jinshui East Road ,Henan
  4. _
    Hairong Hotel
    Intersection of Minsheng Road and Zhengguang Raod
  5. _
    Hairong Hotel
    Intersection of Minsheng Road and Zhengguang Raod ,Henan
  6. _
    Zhengzhou Jinshui·Provincial Government· Locals Apartment 00161830
    16 Jinshui East Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
  7. _
    Noble International Hotel
    No. 21 Jinshui East Road ,Henan
  8. _
    Qian'na Shangyuan Boutique Hotel
    south of Intersection of Huanghe South Road and Jinshui East Road ,Henan
  9. _
    Sheraton Grand Zhengzhou Hotel
    No. 33 Jinshui East Road (Intersection with Nongye South Road) ,Henan
  10. _
    Juyue Hotel (Zhengzhou Provincial Government High-speed Railway East Station)
    Zhengdong Xiangsheng Street and Huanghe Road intersection east 200 meters north unicom business Department south building ,Henan


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